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Charman named chair of Sandspit water and sewer commission

The Sandspit water and sewer commission has a new chair.
Brian Charman is now chairing the committee following the resignation of Bill Beldessi.
The commission has chosen Westmark Consultants Inc. to create a plan for the community's new sewer system, Gord Usher said at Wednesday's Moresby Island Management Committee meeting (April 14). In other Moresby Island news:
• Sherri Price attended an all-day consultation with BC Ferry Services Inc. on behalf of the committee. Fares will likely be going up to pay for new ferries, she said. The cost of a stateroom could soar as high as $300. The members decided to inform Sandspit residents about the issue with a poster urging them to write to BC Ferry Services Inc. representative Ann Carpenter at 101-501-4th Street, Courtenay, V9N 1H3.
• Alan Hunt, Sandspit's rep on the islands waste committee, said he plans to put battery collection buckets around town to encourage recycling. So far the gas station and management committee office have agreed to be battery drop-off sites.
• Kathy Pick resigned from the management committee's trail group because she has too many volunteer commitments. She told members that they need to hire a trail maintenance contractor soon, and that the trails need to be checked for safety concerns before the summer season. The management committee maintains the Onward Point and Secret Cove trails as well as the Gray Bay campsite.