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Fabulous fishing weather for the coho derby!

By Rosie Quigley-I heard today from Mavis that the blackberries are ripening! She tasted a couple of really sweet ones! Way to go everyone! Let's keep up the momentum by affirming each morning: "I am so excited that the blackberries are deliciously sweet for Thanksgiving. Yes, yes, yes. Thank you!"Let's visualize those berries ripening and our hands purple from picking. I am really enjoying my gratitude practice before sleep. How about you? I've even noticed my sleep feels deeper and I feel more refreshed in the morning.I'm sure there have been a few men who have been sitting on the fence about this sunshine experiment. This week I invite you to join us in sustaining fabulous fishing weather for the coho derby in Sandspit. Each morning as you wake state, "I am so excited that we are experiencing fabulous fishing weather for the coho derby. Yes, yes, yes. Thank you!"And let's continue to practice, "Expect great things!" We have done a fantastic job creating sunshine for the month of September. Let's stand in the belief that "anything is possible!"Last week I asked you to give yourself permission to be outrageous and draw a happy sun on your kitchen window. Were you able to do it? How did it feel each time you looked at it? Did you feel uplifted, inspired? We are learning ways to send out positive energy bursts so we can draw to ourselves, our heart's desires. Have you noticed anything shifting in your life?I also asked you to put the words, "Ask and ye shall receive" on your window. You are probably thinking I went off the deep end, expecting stuff to just fall out of the sky. If anyone did have that experience, I'd love to hear about it. When I said, "Ask and ye shall receive," I was thinking about the night back in August when I felt desperate for sunshine. I was thinking, "How am I going to get through a grey fall and then a grey winter. I'm sun-starved!" Yes, this is negative thinking, which contributed to the feeling of desperation.The next question I asked was, "What can I do to experience more joy?" Then I heard, "Create a sunshine experiment and bring the sun back." At that moment I got so excited and said, "Yes!"A plan began to unfold. In other words, I asked and then I received a plan. I made a commitment to write some articles for the Observer where we would all affirm sunshine for September and October. I trusted I would be guided along the way.If you remember how dark those last days of August were, doubts began to surface. On this one particularly dark morning, my mind said, "Are you crazy, you can't make the sun shine." I began to question this experiment. While looking out the window as I was washing dishes, all of a sudden I noticed the clouds parted and the sun came out for a couple of minutes. I went outside and looked up at the sun. I felt like the Universe said, "Go girl, you can do it!" This gave me the encouragement to walk in faith and let go of the results. The rest is history and now we are experiencing much more sunshine!Aren't you glad I didn't listen to my doubts? Think of a dream you have. Think of the people who will be delighted that you followed your heart. Notice this week when doubts surface. Do they stop you dead in your tracks? Are you able to acknowledge them and continue on with your plan anyways! Try it. Say, "Yes doubt, I hear you. Thank you for keeping me safe." And do it anyways! Notice how awesome it feels.I am expecting great things over these next couple of weeks. I know deliciously sweet blackberries and fabulous fishing weather for the coho derby will bring many people great joy. How about you? Won't you join us in creating more joy? I'd love to hear about your blackberry picking, coho fishing or how these articles are impacting your life.E-mail me at