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Lots of consultation on bear hunt, says CHN president

Council of the Haida Nation president Guujaaw says there was lots of consultation on ending the bear hunt here on the islands, despite what outgoing Port Clements councillor Urs Thomas said last week.Mr. Thomas convinced Port council to write a letter to the province protesting potential changes in bear hunting regulations, and also said his top concern was that the Council of the Haida Nation, trying to get the bear hunt stopped, has never consulted with Port."The biggest issue is there has been no consultation at all, the CHN did not consult with Port," Mr. Thomas said, an unusual twist in islands politics, which often has seen the CHN complaining that the government is not consulting with it, as required under Canadian law."There was lots of public process," CHN president Guujaaw said Friday, " (Urs) was one of the people sitting at the Land Use Planning table when this whole matter was discussed."Guujaaw said the bear hunt issue "went through the whole land use planning thing," and "we had the people representing the logging industry, mining, and everything, that was the clearest majority on an motion.The only one who voted against ending the (bear) hunt was Urs."The CHN president said the public process had been "extensive", and there was support for the land use plan by all village councils when it was completed.