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Masset fish plant seeks tax break

A Masset fish plant has appealed to the village council for a break on its property taxes and utility rates, but council agreed Monday night (Feb. 9) that it would be unfair to give a financial break to one particular business.
In fact, it is not allowed to do so, chief administrator Trevor Jarvis said.
"Council cannot offer them specific relief for anything," he said. "You are specifically prohibited from rendering assistance to a business."
Omega Packing Company Ltd. had asked for the tax and rate reduction because it is starting up a new bottom fish processing line, which requires buying new equipment and re-training its work force.
The result, Omega general manager R.B. Jongewaard wrote council, will be 35 to 40 new full-time unionized jobs for a period of five months. The bottom fish project is in addition to Omega's regular processing of crab, clams and salmon.
Council members voted to write Omega explaining they can't offer financial assistance, but offering any help that their office could provide.