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Queen Charlotte mayor disappointed after cellphone project delayed

By Heather Ramsay--Construction of a cellphone tower on Moresby Island that would provide service to Queen Charlotte has been delayed."I'm very disappointed, "Mayor Carol Kulesha told council on Nov. 17. She understood the tower would be erected this month. But according to Telus spokesperson Shawn Hall, the construction costs came in far higher than the company expected.He said they are looking at redesigning how they will put the tower in.But Mayor Kulesha is concerned about Telus's commitment to the project and asked for something in writing that would demonstrate cell service was moving forward."Everyone has cooperated to the nth degree to ensure this project moves along," she said. The cut line leading toward the tower was pushed through speedily in order to get things moving, she say, but this stoppage in November has her worried about whether Telus will see the project through. Now work won't be able to start until the spring," she said.Cellphones are vital to the community, according to Mayor Kulesha. Some medical staff, such as the X-ray technician, are on call 24 hours, she said. With a cell phone, she would not be as hobbled. Mayor Kulesha also said cell phones are important for security. Some social service workers have to enter people's homes and, in other locations, they have emergency numbers programmed into their phones in their pockets.Mr. Hall said he expects the mayor will receive something in writing confirming their commitment to the project."We are dedicated to making this happen," he said.