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Queen Charlotte school reunion planned for July

submitted article--Queen Charlotte Elementary Secondary School reunion, all who attended-students, teachers, staff- you are all invited for the school reunion on the weekend of July 12. Not sure who the oldest attendee will be ... or whether it will be student, teacher, staff or possibly school board."What is a reunion?" you ask. Well class reunions are common but this is a school reunion, for a whole school (the building doesn't even exist anymore).If you went there you're invited for the weekend of July 12. Some enterprising folks have gotten together to plan this reunion, from those who just talked about it for years and didn't get it done, thank you!We are told the weather will be perfect and lots of activities are in the planning stage. Many have booked already, ferries or flights. For more information sign up on Facebook QCESS Reunion group. This has been mostly advertised on Facebook but as everyone needs to be included we areasking that the word be spread.There over 200 signed up on Facebook site. Maybe if youreally can't come you could send us a "school story" or some photos. For those not on Facebook you could use this email to connect for more info