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Students pitch in on tsunami debris

A stretch of Tlell beach has been cleared of tsunami debris and other garbage thanks to Port Clements elementary students.Teacher Chris Bellamy said the entire school plus a couple of parent volunteers scoured the beach between the Crow's Nest store to north of Misty Meadows campground for several hours one day in mid-May, collecting several truckloads of trash."There was lots and lots of styrofoam, and some local garbage, unfortunately," he said. "There were some interesting things labelled in Japanese."The garbage was taken to the landfill site and the school paid the fee the drop it off.Mr. Bellamy said the school does a clean-up every year, usually picking up garbage from a section of Port Clements between the big pier and the bird watching tower. But that area was looking quite good this year, so the decision was made to turn their efforts to the debris-strewn Tlell beach.