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Yes, we are having problems!

Sorry, but we are experiencing a few technical glitches tonight (Friday) that prevent us from posting the stories we'd like to.

They include;

-a serious warning from DFO about the dangers of paralytic shellfish poisoning from scallops and bivalves harvested from North Beach outside Masset

- an account of another crazed raccoon attack in Queen Charlotte (no serious injuries, either human or animal

- the story of a nurse from Port Clements being forced to retire by Northern Health (she says she won't go)

-another story about how some islanders are coping with the continuing lack of NHL hockey.

With luck, our technical problems will be solved over the weekend-if not, new material will be posted Monday at 4:30 pm PST.

Sorry- we have just changed operating systems, and our web host service had a bit of a problem too.