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You want this phone number

Attention all islanders who have ever phoned the Skidegate ferry terminal for information about when the ferry is arriving or leaving: we have a phone number for you.
Write this number down and save it. 559-8341.
If you call it, you will get the very same recorded message which used to be available at 559-4485 - a daily updated message with all the latest schedule information.
BC Ferries changed its system at the end of January so that people phoning the listed terminal number got switched to a call centre in Victoria, which is only open until 10 pm. Many islanders have reported that specific information about the northern routes and their frequently weather-delayed schedules was hard to come by in the new system, and that the people answering their calls in Victoria sometimes didn't seem to know where Skidegate is.
At last week's council meeting in Queen Charlotte, councillor Greg Martin said the old system had worked fine, and that if BC Ferries "still have that answering machine in the dumpster, they should fish it out."
That comment led to an anonymous call to our office. The caller wanted all islanders to know that the answering machine isn't in the dumpster - it's still at the terminal. Just call 559-8341.