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A great golfing week just completed

Submitted by Fran Fowler-The weather was great, the courses were ready and the balls were flying. Of special note was the Haida Cup played on Loggers Sports Day. Some golfers even managed to participate in the parade, which was terrific! From Broads on Quads to Tikes on Trikes, my personal favourite was the weiner dog in uniform a.k.a. Mutt Mail. Sounds like north end took the Haida Cup home to Masset. A bit more practice needed by those southenders!Another special happening at the south end was the free junior lessons; there were no registrations in Queen Charlotte or Skidegate but the classes went on in Sandspit with both local and visiting juniors. The Skidegate Inlet Golf Society was able to get some funding so that we were able to offer free classes, free transportation and free food. It is at this point that something special happened. An at-loose-ends jet pilot showed up at the course (he flew in a bunch of Las Vegas fishermen up for a week-long trip) looking for something to do. This fellow wasn't your ordinary jet pilot, he turned out to be a top-notch golfer who organizes the state of Nevada's junior golf tournament, and he really knew his stuff. For two days he generously offered his experience and time for our kids! Thanks, Jim; thanks too to Brian and Margaret of the Willows and Peg, our cook and of course Dennis for getting it all going.Due to busy schedules we can't offer lessons in Skidegate until mid October. Watch for posters and register. We have equipment for the smaller kids arriving soon from England.Coming up soon: the Dixon Entrance Open Aug. 7-9 (same weekend as the Edge of the World but you can play the tournament and still gets lots of the music festival in) then Aug. 21-23 is the Willows Open, the oldest open on the Islands, with rough like the British Open, not that wimpy down south non-rough. In speaking with our Nevada golfer it was very interesting to hear him explain that the early golfers whose names we might be familiar with, Sarazan, Hogan, etc. were playing on courses just like our island ones!

About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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