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A note to readers

Several readers have been concerned in the last couple of weeks with the delivery time of the Observer.The problem is things have changed, caused by our format switch.In the past, we delivered the Observer to the post office in Charlotte at noon Wednesday, and the post office trucked it north Wednesday afternoon for delivery Thursday.That's no longer possible.We are now trucking the paper north ourselves, leaving Charlotte at 8 am.The papers are dropped off in Charlotte at 8 am, in Skidegate at 8:15, in Tlell at 8:45, in Port at 9 and in Masset around 9:30.Stores in those communities have them on sale at those times, or when they open.Subscribers have to wait until the post office puts them in the boxes, something we have no control over.The Observer has always been a Thursday paper. It still is. It may be a little later on Thursday for some subscribers, because the post office needs time to get them out.