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Animation, illustration, writing workshops upcoming

Locally born and raised illustrator Chris Auchter and collaborator Richard van Camp are coming to the islands to present their new comic book."Kiss Me Deadly" is published by the Healthy Aboriginal Network, a group that creates comics for youth on health and social issues. The pair will offer two family story time presentations to showcase comic book techniques, including animation and illustration.The events will be held on Wednesday May 18 from 6 pm to 7:30 pm at Tahayghen in Masset and on Thursday May 19 from 6:30 pm to 8 pm at Skidegate's Haida Heritage Centre. Both events are free and open to all community members.Mr. Auchter, who is from Skidegate, and has illustrated and animated children's programs for the Aboriginal Peoples Television Network and the National Film Board, will also offer a charcoal illustration workshop on Sunday May 15. The workshop runs from 1-5 pm at the Bill Reid Teaching Centre. It's $40 per participant and includes an art starter kit and art paper.Richard van Camp has been to the islands twice and is a well-known Dogrib Nation writer and story teller from Fort Smith, NWT. He'll also offer a writing workshop, in which participants will learn to create memorable characters and to understand the importance of the writer's voice. The workshop takes place on Tuesday May 17 from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm at the QC Secondary School library. The fee is $40 per participant.All of these events are sponsored by Literacy Haida Gwaii.

About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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