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Board finds good forest practices here

An audit by the Forest Practices Board, has found that Western Forest Products Inc. has good forest practices on the islands, and that the harvesting and road activities near fish habitat and riparian areas are well managed. The audit, of TFL 39, block 6, focused specifically on fish streams and road crossings, and analyzed more than 140 cut blocks and 450 bridges."The licensee has minimized impacts to fish and fish habitat by building new roads to high standards that prevent sedimentation in fish streams," said FPB chair Bruce Fraser.Before WFP acquired the tree farm licence, activity in the area left a legacy of old road systems that are still affecting fish habitat. Maintenance of those roads is not WFP's responsibility however, the FPB noted the company is using Forest Investment Account funding to remediate and maintain some of those roads."Western has used open bottom crossing structures for virtually all fish streams which ensures that fish can pass through the crossing to access habitat," said Mr. Fraser, "...and the board commends Western on the measures it has taken to protect fish and fish habitat in this area-based licence."The board reports its findings directly to the public and government and can also make recommendations for improvement to practices legislation.The Forest Practices Board is BC's independent watchdog for sound forest practices.