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Charlotte politician to co-chair land use plan

Carol Kulesha of Queen Charlotte will co-chair the new land use planning process getting underway on the islands, the provincial government announced Monday.
Ms Kulesha is a regional district director, and was recommended to the government by the regional district. She joins co-chair Gilbert Parnell, who represents the Council of the Haida Nation. The process, known as the HG/QCI Land Use Planning Process (LUPP), is co-managed by the province and the Haida Nation.
Leah Malkinson, the process coordinator from the Ministry of Sustainable Resource Management, was on the islands this week, and says a series of open houses will be held in most communities in March. The process is expected to get down to serious discussions in May, and take some fifteen months to complete.
It will determine land use throughout the islands that both respects the environment and meets the needs of the people, Mr. Parnell recently told the Observer.
This new process replaces the previous Land Resource Management Plan which stalled out when it failed to interest the Haida.