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Christmas Bird Count coming

submitted by Margo Hearne-It's pouring rain! Juncos flock to the feeder and a dark, velvety fox sparrow feeds at the base of the trees. In yesterdays sun a small flock of redpolls flew over Masset and white-winged crossbills were seen earlier in the week at the Sandspit golf course. In Bearskin Bay Western grebes dive together and the occasional rhinocerous auklet is still around. A very rare and beautiful wood duck appeared in the ponds at Tlell, an exceptional find and the first I've ever seen on island.It's Christmas Bird Count time again. It's the 27th annual, who knew it would last this long when we started back in 1982? Year after year new birds show up to join the regulars. It's always a great unknown. Will the mountain bluebird, seen last week at Sandspit, reappear, the waxwings in the berry bushes? Last year a Harris' sparrow and a chipping sparrow showed up; almost too good to be true. The birds are out there!Count dates this year are: Skidegate Inlet (includes Skidegate, Queen Charlotte and Sandspit); Sunday, Dec 14; Greater Massett (Old Massett, Masset) Saturday, Dec 27; Tlell Sunday, Dec 28 and Port Clements Monday Dec 29.

About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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