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Day 7 and blockade continues

March 28-Protesters are maintaining the two blockades set up last week at the Charlotte dryland sort and Juskatla.
Spokesperson Gilbert Parnell said Monday that the protesters are in good spirits, and that he himself enjoyed a couple of hours at the Juskatla blockade over the weekend.
"Haida humour is right out there right now," he said. "I had a blast."
Mr. Parnell said individuals from every community on the islands have been involved in the blockade action.
"Generally, support is strong and good," he said.
Mr. Parnell said he is expecting three television crews to arrive later today (March 28) - CTV, Global and APTN.
The protesters want the provincial government to consult with the Council of the Haida Nation about the pending sale of Weyerhaeuser Co. Ltd. to Brascan Corp, as it was directed to by the Supreme Court of Canada.
The Supreme Court ruled in November that the provincial government has a duty to consult with the CHN regarding Tree Farm Licence 39, which covers a quarter of Graham Island and is currently owned by Weyerhaeuser.

About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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