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Deteriorating road is QC's new water problem

The road from Queen Charlotte to the Tarundl River is deteriorating, and the QC management committee is trying to figure out who's responsible for maintaining it before it becomes unusable.
The Ministry of Forests used to maintain the road, but because it's not in active industrial use, the ministry has no money to pay for its upkeep, says Andrew Davis, engineering officer for the forest district.
In an e-mail to the Ministry of Transportation and Highways (MOTH), Mr. Davies writes "We are working on a long term plan for the area and see the first section of road used by the regional district to access the pumps and chlorine intake shed as a long term user. Going back to the understanding between Highways and Forests this road seems to warrant a portion falling under MOTH maintenance as it also has residents at the beginning."
At the management committee's last meeting Nov. 5 members discussed the situation, expressing concern that winter weather could quickly damage the road, which maintenance staff must use frequently.
Member Eric Ross suggested that some ditching along the side of the road would prevent erosion, however the management committee has no budget for this.
The committee can't really do anything about the situation until they figure out who's responsible for the road, but plans to agitate until somebody commits to keeping the road passable.