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Dover Trail hike Sunday

The last hike in the Sierra Club/QC Rec summer series will be Sunday September 14 to the Dover Trail. We will be meeting at 12:30 pm at City Centre in Queen Charlotte to catch the 1 pm ferry to Sandspit. The trail follows Haans Creek (near the marina). Although it's still early, there's a chance we might see the start of the salmon run.
As well, the outdoor art exhibition 'Resonance of Nature' will be shown on the riverside. This one day only exhibition features large paintings and natural material exhibits on the banks of the Haans. Hikers will have plenty of opportunity to see the show along the way. We are hoping to catch the 3:40 pm ferry back to Skidegate, but for those who wish to take more time, there's a 4:30 ferry as well. Registration for the hike is recommended with Sarah Loewen at the QC Rec Office (see back page of the Observer for more info).