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Friends win Sandspit contract

Submitted by the Friends of the Visitor Center--The Friends of the Visitor Center (agreement holders for the operation of the Queen Charlotte Visitor Centre) are excited to announce that we have been the successful bidder for the Sandspit Visitors Centre operation. We are keen to follow in retiring Carol Wagner's ground breaking shoes. With the Sandspit Visitor Centre we hope to be able to maintain her example while adding our own touches.Maureen Weddell, our Queen Charlotte site manager in 2007-8, is coming up for the season to manage the Sandspit site and be our training mentor for the Queen Charlotte site. Maureen is up for the month of March, getting orders placed, renovations organized, policies in place, training lined up and then she is off to Peru for April with a group which includes Nicole Tattum, also a previous centre manager. Maureen will be on site May through to mid September.At the Queen Charlotte site, we also have news, Shawna McLeod, partner of our new Fisheries officer, has accepted the manager position. Shawna comes with great references and expectations. Visitor Centre hours have not yet been established, but for the interim, Sandspit will remained closed until the usual mid-May season and Queen Charlotte will continue with Saturday hours. We will post any extended hours at a later date when Shawna has her feet on the ground.Both centres are ready to accept resumes for summer employment; training will be provided. These are great jobs for resume builders for students and adult applicants are also welcomed.We have contacted a few people in Sandspit, asking if they would be interested in perhaps becoming a Director of the Friends of the Visitor Centre. In case we have missed an enthusiastic potential director call 559-4765 to leave a message.