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Good news on Port nurse may be ahead

The Northern Health Authority is searching for a new nurse to work in the Port Clements clinic, and may have some positive news on that front within the next two weeks, says health service administrator Sue Beckermann.
Ms Beckermann said she has already heard from a couple of interested candidates, and staff will be conducting interviews soon.
"I would hope I would have some good news for Port Clements fairly soon," she said.
The clinic has been empty since nurse Kathy Buell left in August for a job in Masset. Residents have been extremely concerned about the situation.
Ms Beckermann said she has spoken to mayor Cory Delves and given him a full update.
"I let him know that absolutely, we had posted the position," she said.
The position has been advertised internally, to Northern Health employees. Ms Beckermann said if she doesn't end up hiring one of the interested candidates, the position will be advertised across Canada.
But she warned that nurses are in high demand everywhere right now.
"It's quite the nightmare actually," she said. "We've got vacancies absolutely everywhereÂ… Every community has been struggling to find nursing positions as of late."

About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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