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How the Sunshine Experiment works

Submitted by Rosie Quigley--Last week in the Observer I introduced the sunshine experiment where we focus our thoughts and feelings on what we desire instead of complaining about what is. How an intention works is simple. Think of your thoughts, feelings, actions and words as sitting on a boomerang. When you send out complaining energy - "I don't like this or that" what comes back to you is more of what you don't want. So, by switching your focus to what you do want - knowing that when you ask, ye shall receive - what will come back to you is the energy you sent out, your heart's desire! In last week's article, our desire statement was "I am so excited that September and October is mostly sunny." And we added some feeling words at the end, such as "yes, yes, yes," or "I'm ready, I am ready, I am ready." This puts positive intention or energy on the boomerang and so what comes back to us is more positive energy, our heart's desire. This is called the law of attraction. Like attracts like. What you send out on your boomerang returns to you.I know impacting the weather is a lofty goal. Yet it is a perfect opportunity to learn the first step in creating your heart's desire. This first step is awareness. So, in this next week become aware of how many times you complain about the weather. How do you feel after complaining? Do you feel energized? Do you feel you want to head out the door for a walk? Probably not, complaining depletes our energy. So when you catch yourself complaining, "smile and celebrate," you are becoming aware of your thoughts. Notice how you feel, and then take a breath. Accept that the weather isn't the way you want it to be. Then affirm, "I am so excited that September and October is mostly sunny." Then add some energy by declaring, "yes, yes, yes" or "I am ready!" Notice how you feel now. Do you feel more energized? Do you feel more hopeful? Do you feel like taking a walk? Adding yes or I'm ready at the end of your affirmation, increases the energy you send out, which draws your heart's desire back to you. The second part of our experiment was to spend time in gratitude before sleep each night. This may include gratitude for the sunny days we did have, for the memories we created this summer, for our harvest and for the sun that will shine in September abd October.Gratitude is the highest energy. Think again of our boomerang. When we place gratitude on our boomerang, what comes back to us is more good stuff. Spend time this week in gratitude and notice how you feel afterwards. Do you feel energized? Do you notice more goodness coming back into your life? Stay open and see what blessings come your way.I know more sunshine will bring me joy! How about you? Won't you join me and let's see what our boomerang brings back to us? This past week, I received a few e-mails from people joining forces with me to create more sunshine. If you'd like to join us, I'd love to hear from you. E-mail me at And remember, when the sun does shine, let's celebrate!

About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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