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Improvement needs improvement

The Ministry of Highways has fixed one problem and created another, Queen Charlotte Management Committee member Eric Ross told the committee at its October 20 meeting.
Earlier this year, Mr. Ross asked highways to install a culvert to drain rainwater away from the community ball field, which becomes a soggy mess in the winter.
On Monday, October 18, O'Brien's crew installed a culvert across the patch of land known as the ball field triangle that borders the ball field. Mr. Ross told the committee that the mouth of the culvert has a hole big enough for a small child or pet to fall into and become trapped, and that the pipe's edge is sharp enough to cut anyone who falls on it.
The culvert should hopefully help with the drainage problem, said Mr. Ross, but he's going to follow up with highways to see if a manhole cover or grate of some kind could be put over the hole to prevent an accident.