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Issue for regional district

Haida Gwaii features prominently on the list of issues that regional district directors will be talking about at the Union of BC Municipalities conference next month.The conference is an annual opportunity for local politicians to meet with provincial ministers and deputy ministers about issues of local concern. Skeena-Queen Charlotte regional district directors have requested several meetings on six topics. These include the rising cost of travelling on BC Ferries, emergency planning and preparedness, water quality in Sandspit, and a governance structure for Sandspit. They are also hoping to talk to the relevant provincial ministries about inadequate winter road maintenance on Highway 16 between Prince Rupert and Terrace, and revenue sharing.The Union of BC Municipalities conference will be held Sept. 16 to 20 at the Vancouver Convention Centre. Administrator Joan Merrick said all four of the regional district's rural directors, including Sandspit's Evan Putterill and Area D's Mike Racz, will be attending.