The Council of the Haida Nation has given Masset the gift of a seedling from the Golden Spruce tree which once stood on the banks of the Yakoun River.
The Golden Spruce was cut down in an act of vandalism seven years ago, but several seedlings were taken from it. The CHN has already given one baby spruce to Port Clements, which planted it inside a wire cage in its Millennium Park.
On Sunday, CHN president Guujaaw gave away two more seedlings at the first-ever protocol agreement meeting, one to Masset and one to Old Massett, said mayor Barry Pages.
"This is actually a piece off the original Golden Spruce," Mr. Pages told council members Monday night (June 14). The two-foot high seedling had its own spot at the council table. "Now we've got to figure out where in town it's appropriate for it to go and have a ceremony."
Council members suggested several spots, including the field near the school where science classes have already planted seedlings, the Ruth Stewart-Burton park overlooking the harbour, and the floatplane spit.
In the end, they decided to ask the public for ideas about where the unique seedling should be planted. If you know of the perfect spot, call the village office at 626-3995.
In other Masset news:
• Council will recommend that the liquor branch allow Daddy Cool's bar to extend its hours from 9 am until 2 am, and approve a patio for up to 125 patrons. A public hearing was held on this issue last month.
• Council agreed to let the local youth group use the roller rink for a dance on June 25, after hearing from Harmony Williams. Council members also thanked Ms Williams for all the work she has done with the youth group, and wished her all the best as she leaves Masset next month to spend a year in Prince Rupert.
• Ms Brown reported that she had enjoyed the GM Dawson secondary school grad ceremony on Saturday, and was struck by the fact that the graduating class is made up of 15 boys and only four girls.
"That is absolutely unheard of," she said. "There has always been more girls. I was totally amazed."
• Volunteer fire department chief Dwayne Hunter has resigned, saying he has taken an out-of-town job and will be moving from Masset. Administrator Trevor Jarvis said the fire fighters will recommend a new chief. Council members voted to send Mr. Hunter a thank-you letter and a gift.