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MIMC unhappy with DFO response

The Moresby Island Management Committee is not happy with a response from the Minister of Fisheries and Oceans regarding the closure of the Pallant Creek Salmon Hatchery, and will be asking for more information.Committee members voted Feb. 9 to respond to Minister Keith Ashfield, asking for more details about the biological and socio-economic reasoning behind the decision to close the hatchery.Mr. Ashfield's letter explained the abrupt closure, which took place last summer, by saying that the facility was in poor condition, posed health and safety issues for workers, and did not contribute to Salmon Enhancement Program priorities.This explanation did not sit well with the Sandspit representatives, who said it lacked data and did not address their concerns."It had a lot of side benefits to our community and our island," said committee chair Evan Putterill. "I am not happy with this letter. It was a real loss to our community and it happened really suddenly."

About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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