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Mission accomplished at tournament

submitted by Nicole Harris, coach--The Old Massett. Jr. Girls Basketball Team recently returned home from a fantastic showing at the Jr. All Native Tournament held over Spring Break hosted by New Aiyansh and the surrounding villages. Our goal was to return home with a win and it was mission accomplished. We spent the weekend in Terrace before travelling up the Nass Valley on Sunday night to Gingolx where we were graciously hosted by Martha Spence. On Monday, some of us checked out the Eulachon camp along the Nass River and then we all attended opening ceremonies in Laxgalts'ap. Our first win came on Tuesday morning against a host team from Gitwinksihlkw and that night we feasted on Nisga'a Stew at the tournament banquet in Gitlaxt'aamix. Wednesday afternoon we played strong teams from Bella Coola and Kitamaat. We were not able to come out on top, thus ending our participation in the tournament but not before we made a fashionably late appearance at the players dance in Gitwinksihlkw. Thursday morning we woke up to snow and started our slow trek to Prince Rupert to catch the ferry back home to Haida Gwaii. The Nisga'a Nation put together a fantastic tournament and I believe we represented the Village of Old Massett and the Haida Nation well.Our participation in this tournament would not have been possible without the support from the players' families and community members. Thanks to the players families who were involved in the bottle drive, loonie twonie auction, garage sale, and concession fundraising and to all the community members who came out and supported these events. Haw'aa to the artists who donated pieces for the loonie twonie auction and those who donated to the Blanket Dance held at the Masters Celebration Dinner. Thanks to Haida Lions, Gwaii Trust and Haida Child and Family for their generous monetary contributions and to HaiCo who supported the OM Jr. teams with the purchase of new uniforms. And a big Hawaa to Christina Edgars for travelling with the team, Martha Spence for ensuring our stay in Gingolx was comfortable, the organizers of the Jr ANT for a great tournament, and to the girls: you all were a privilege to coach.

About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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