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Not so smooth at smoothing shop

It was the third time Ruth Kendall's smoothie shop has been broken into in the past several months.The broken glass and bad feelings were the same, but the crime that occurred at R & S Smoothies on Oceanview Drive kitty-corner from Queen Charlotte Secondary sometime in the early morning hours of June 29 was something else."This time its different. They didn't steal anything," said Mrs. Kendall as she surveyed the damage the morning after. Mrs. Kendall says that last time her place was broken into it cost $3000 between cash and items stolen and the ensuing repairs.She was recently asked by the judge, if she thought the youth charged should pay back the cost or do community service to atone for the crime.She hopes the young person will do community service to pay back the cost.She hasn't even fixed one window from an earlier break-in, as she's been planning to do some renovations on that side of the building to expand the seating area in her café and dry goods store.She was alerted to the break-in by a telephone call from her neighbour near the store as she was leaving home on her way to work.Strangely enough, she says, she dropped a friend off in the area the night before around midnight and checked on her store then. All was well.She doesn't know who did the damage, but "I heard there was a teen dance last night," she said.

About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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