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November weather brings a new deputy clerk

Odds 'n' Sods by Elaine Nyeholt: We have a ‘brand-new-off-the-boat’ Deputy Clerk in the Village Office!

We have a ‘brand-new-off-the-boat’ Deputy Clerk in the Village Office!  I am likely the last in town to meet her, but it finally came about.  Glenda Saruga was holidaying here at Sitka Studios, in November and fell in love with the weather and ocean.

The weather in November?..that made me smile…wait until she sees what a marvelous Spring really looks like.  She began applying for jobs while she was here, and moved from Haines Junction, Yukon on Dec. 30th.  The Yukon’s loss is our gain.  She intends to retire here… eventually!

Speaking of Spring… the primroses & crocus are blooming and of course the Heliborus are magnificent.  They are so encouraging to me.  Makes me want to get down and dirty with weeding and compost spreading, just as soon as the muck is done.  Wow, it’s wet.

The Seniors Potluck Luncheon and meeting is set for today, Feb 12th.  It’s always a special treat to meet up with friends and have a Valentines lunch.

I suspect there is a Valentines night in the Fire Hall on the 13th, but since my hubby is the President, I am the last to know.

The next village council meeting is set for the 15th at 7p.m.

The ‘Fiber-optics Crew” for lack of a better name, had an oopsy that has eliminated the phone and internet for the people who run our dump site, and anyone living in the vicinity… very unfortunate, the lines must not be very well documented… or?  Actually, there are at least 3 crews working on this huge project, plus sub-contractors.

The 2016 All Islands’ Art Show is still open for framed brand new works of art.

They need to have been done in the last year.  Drop-off is on Feb 12th from 10-5pm and Saturday Feb 13th from 11-3pm at the Museum in Haida Heritage Center at Kay Linagaay.  Phone Allison at 250-637-1550 for more info.  Appetizers are encouraged please for the opening night.

We need to remember that Feb 17th (Wed) is a Pro-D day, there is no school that day... odd and therefore harder to remember, and Monday the 15th is the Valentines Day day, and we are asked to dress our students in red that day!

Sun Studio has a Yoga type session from 10:30-2:30 on Saturday. Feb. 20th.  Kiki van der Heiden has more information, and I believe it has limited numbers so if it’s important to you, pre-register.  The posters are all around.

Haida Gwaii Rec is busy with winter activities for Port Clements:

Tuesdays there is Acrobatic Dance after school in the gym until March 15th.

Tuesdays Sr. Yoga from 1-2 in the Sr. Room.

Alternate Fitness (geared to Seniors) is on Thursdays from 1-2pm in the Sr. Room

Wednesdays are Badminton days in the Port Gym; 3-4pm is for school students, 5:30- 7 is for family play, and 7-9pm is for adults every week until March 9th.

Port Clements Book Club has a meeting on Monday February 22nd at 7:30 pm in the Seniors Room.  The ‘Book’ is Red Star Tattoo by Sonja Larsen.  Sounds like fun!  It’s been years since I attended a Book Club.  Wish I was not so busy.

If you have news to advertise upcoming events, please email me.


About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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