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Ocean Forum this weekend

Cautions about cruise ships, tips on seafood marketing and advice on setting up citizen advisory councils are all part of the upcoming Gaaysiigang: Ocean Forum.Here are a few highlights from speakers who will be at the Friday and Saturday event.Ross Klein, a professor at Memorial University in Newfoundland, will speak about the pros and cons cruise ships bring to communities.He says there are many benefits, but there are a lot of things to be cautious about having cruise ships arrive at your port, including air emissions and waste disposal.Quentin Fong, a seafood marketing specialist from Kodiak, Alaska will talk about the importance of branding in today's markets. He said the Alaskan seafood brand is the number three most recognized food brand by chefs in America and the marketing initiative that created it is funded by taxes on landed fish.Both Mr. Klein and Mr. Fong are also giving workshops on these topics on Monday, Jan. 26.One keynote speakers is Rick Steiner of the University of Alaska in Anchorage.He'll talk about lessons learned from the Exxon Valdez spill 20 years ago and the downsides of not getting engaged.He will discuss the growing importance of citizen advisory councils and talk about models from around the world - in Prince William Sound, Papua New Guinea and Azerbaijan, that may inspire people on the North coast to get involved and stay that way.For more information on the Ocean forum visit the Council of the Haida Nation website and follow the links.