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Port-Masset school bus to be cancelled in fall

The school bus from Port Clements to Masset will be a thing of the past come September.The school board decided Jan. 20 that the route, which carries high school students from Port to GM Dawson, will be terminated as of September 1.At the moment, eight Port students use the bus, which costs the school district $73,000 a year. Next year, the board anticipates there'll be two less students."What were the options for the remaining six students? There's the (travel) allowance. The other option is taking the bus to Charlotte. That kind of makes me sad", trustee Sharon Matthews said, noting that the Port students have been bused to high school in Masset for many, many years.The board will provide a transportation allowance to the remaining students up to a maximum of $10 per day per student, and will let the parents know right away that the bus service is being ended.The change will save the district $63,000 a year. "We have to find ways to save," said Secretary Treasurer Ken Campbell, who also noted he is aware the families involved won't be in favour of the decision.

About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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