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Queen Charlote water restrictions remain

Restrictions on using water remain in place in Queen Charlotte despite the recent rain, according to the management committee.
"Â…When it starts to rain, people think the water restrictions are off. It really takes a week to affect the aquifer in the summer," said sewer and water committee chair Mark Salzl last week. "It basically takes four days of heavy rain to make a noticeable differenceÂ…," he said, "in the summer it is rare that we would get four days of heavy rain". Mr. Salzl also noted that you can tell by looking at the creeks. While they often go up following a heavy rain, they also tend to drop back down quickly if the rain doesn't last long, he said.
The restrictions were brought in last May and are due to expire at the end of September. They ask citizens not to use town water to wash driveways and walkways, and limit watering of gardens and lawns and car washing.
Mr. Salzl also said that despite the restrictions, water consumption has not dropped significantly. The committee then discussed an education program to inform water users on how to conserve better.
Rainfall in July and August this year has averaged 13 mm per week, about the same as last year's 14 mm.