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Queen Charlotte cemetery needs attention, says local man

A thousand and one things need to be done to fix up the Queen Charlotte cemetery, says resident George Westwood.
Many of the older graves have completely disappeared under eight inches of thatch and grass, Mr. Westwood said. The graves are sinking, and people could hurt themselves walking around them.
Mr. Westwood would like to create a non-profit cemetery society for Queen Charlotte similar to the one that runs the Tlell cemetery. Then, as a group, he would like to create a plan to restore the cemetery.
The cemetery records also need attention. Many of the graves are unmarked, and it's unclear where many people are buried. Mr. Westwood would like to create a retaining wall and memorial plaque with the names of people who are buried in the cemetery, but whose graves cannot be located. Information about where people are buried would be helpful, said Mr. Westwood.
It's important to show respect for the dead, said Mr. Westwood. There are veterans, children, pioneers and many elders buried there, and they deserve more respect. However, he's worried that people will just go in and do work with no clear plan.
If anyone would like to participate in a non-profit cemetery society or in an organized work party please call Mr. Westwood at 559-8086.