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Queen Charlotte water users to contribute more, as budget day approaches

Queen Charlotte water users will pay 30 percent more into the village's coffers this year over last, according to the village's 2009 financial plan.The plan was given first, second and third reading at the April 20 council meeting after little discussion. The village did hold a public meeting on the budget April 15, but no one attended said financial officer Debra Uliana.Taxes raised from property owners are also up by 3.7 percent over last year's projections - the village will raise $255,600 in 2009 this way, as compared with $246, 500 in 2008 and $212, 775 in 2007. On the spending side, the budget for Public Works has doubled over last year. This year's $200,000 projection will include hiring a third member of the public works team, says Ms Uliana. She said the additional funds will also be spent to gear up for 2010 when the village will take over road maintenance within its boundaries.Several properties were added to the frontage tax rolls, says Ms Uliana, accounting for some of the increase in revenue. She said some properties that have access to sewer and water have not been charged in the past, especially those on the western edge of the village towards Tarundl Creek. This will now change. The user rate has also gone up by 15 percent, from $12.32 per meter of taxable frontage to $14.17. Mayor Carol Kulesha said the increase is due to the water system being more expensive, but no other information was offered.The town's expenditures for 2009 also include an 18 percent increase in administration spending over last year's budget - from $438, 524 in 2008 to $515,614 in 2009. Ms Uliana said the village is hiring a temporary worker to help with filing, and that generally costs for everything have gone up by 3 percent. More details on budget increases were not available by the Observer's deadline. The budget is expected to be passed at the next Queen Charlotte council meeting on May 4.

About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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