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Radiation level drops, Old Massett test shows

Iodine 131 in rainwater has settled down to a level just above background levels, according to Old Massett Village Council.Acting band manager John Disney has been having rainwater, stream water and tap water tested since shortly after the events in Japan. The village is testing for Cesium 134, Cesium 137, Iodine 131 and Ruthenium 103.Mr. Disney said the presence of the one component, Iodine 13, keeps fluctuating, but the last test April 21 indicated that the level over that week was only a little above background levels. Mr. Disney said he sees no immediate risk from rainwater, but he believes people should discard any previously collected water and only use that which is freshly gathered. Mr. Disney is also having seaweed and other fish products tested along with home-grown vegetables. He will post the results as soon as he receives them. Both tap and stream water have shown no signs of contamination in any tests. Health Canada has consistently maintained there is not and has not been any health risks from radiation on the BC coast. The levels measured at their sites indicate levels consistent with natural background radiation levels.Copyright Haida Gwaii Observer 2011

About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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