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Residents concerned about herbicide use

Weed testing in the Queen Charlotte community park has some residents concerned."We've had a couple of emails and letters from folks in the community with concerns and we have passed along the contacts for the invasive weed council," said Queen Charlotte administrator Peter Weeber. "Most of the concerns are not really based on one thing, just the use of herbicides in general and a lot of the other discussions were around pesticides, which we're not using."The invasive weed council has made the first test applications of the product, Roundup, which will be used in the community park to remove the knotweed that has invaded the area.The Roundup will be injected into the stems of the plants with a syringe, said Mr. Weeber, and will not be sprayed in the park."They inject the chemical into the plant itself so unless you were going to cut the plant off and drink the juice out of it, there's no way you can possibly be exposed to the stuff," he said.The product also has a short life span after being used, he said. "It doesn't last long in the system," he said. "It lasts just long enough to kill the plant."Mr. Weeber said he takes his own children to the park a couple of times a day and has the same concerns anyone would have about herbicides being sprayed."In an area that receives a lot of human traffic you want to use the method that's the safest for the public," he said.