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Skidegate bank closes in June

The RBC Royal Bank agency outlet in Skidegate will be closing by early June, just two years after it opened, says Gwaalagaa Naay Corporation general manager Paula Lawson.Ms Lawson said the Skidegate Band Council made the decision to close the agency outlet for financial reasons. The outlet did not attract as many customers as expected and keeping it open was costing the band council money."We were running in a deficit," Ms Lawson said. "It's unfortunate... we wouldn't try to do something like this again."She said the band council spoke to RBC Royal Bank about opening a real bank branch rather than an agency outlet, but was told there would have to be a minimum of $100 million in deposits.Ms Lawson said the bank will be contacting its customers to let them know about the closing.

About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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