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Skidegate school hit by vandalism

Vandals have broken five of Sk'aadgaa Naay elementary school's windows in the last two weeks, and it's going to cost $3,800 to fix them.
"I feel really sad that whoever did it would damage such a beautiful building. A lot of people worked hard to get that school here and a lot of people are really proud of it. It shows disrespect to the community and the students who are proud of their school," said Sue Brown, a Skidegate resident and parent of a Sk'aadgaa Naay student.
School district maintenance supervisor Bill Wiggins said vandals broke four windows two weeks ago, and another last Sunday evening. The school district will have to pay most of the repair costs, because insurance doesn't cover the first $3,000 worth of damage.
The school has a surveillance system, said Mr. Wiggins, but unfortunately the recording equipment wasn't working during either incident. He has ordered new, digital recording equipment that holds more data. The new equipment is on its way and will be installed soon, he said.. The district has also asked Queen Charlotte police to patrol the area more frequently.