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Softball field soggy

Queen Charlotte's ball field is getting smaller and soggier, and the management committee wants to fix it before it gets any worse.
The Christmas Eve storm of 2003 caused considerable erosion at the ball field. Management committee member Eric Ross asked a qualified local resident to make an estimate of the repair costs. If only high priority areas are fixed, the cost would be about $70,000, but if everything is fixed the cost could exceed $100,000.
Area F director Carol Kulesha says she will investigate possible funding sources to pay for the repairs.
In addition, inspection revealed that a culvert that carries water across Highway 33, past the backstop and farmers market and then across the field towards the water is rusty, says Mr. Ross. It was installed in 1967, and now needs to be replaced.
Mr. Ross suggested that perhaps a new culvert could be installed along the highway from the intersection of Highway 33 and Bay Street to the picnic triangle at the far end of the ball field.
The highway also needs better drainage, so the management committee will write to Don Ramsey of the Ministry of Transportation to see about getting a culvert to drain the entire area.