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Tours available of great new centre in Skidegate

Intense exhibit installation is underway at the Haida Heritage Centre in preparation for a July 2 museum opening says operations manager Jason Alsop."Things were held up due to the floods," he says, but different suppliers have been around for the last two weeks.Some of the final preparations include finishing the Welcome House ceiling and getting the admissions desk installed. There is also work on landscaping taking place and maintenance on the green roof.The public has had some access to the centre, he says. Two classrooms have been available for quite sometime and there are tours taking place from Monday to Friday at 2pm. Visitors and others are asked to meet at the Tanu pole in front of the facility for a tour of the poles, the carving shed and the museum.The Performance House is available to be rented and Mr. Alsop is working on getting concession going for summer.He expects the summer's repatriation dinners will held at the facility. He is also excited about Skidegate Days events -July 19, 20 1n3 21- being held at the centre and projects which will see three canoes created in the new carving shed.

About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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