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VIDEO: Customer throws gelato at Harrison shop employees, storms out

Locals, visitors quick to defend beachfront gelato shop

The Harrison Hot Springs community is coming to the defense of their local gelato shop after an angry customer hurled the gelato toward two employees during the B.C. Day long weekend.

Surveillance footage from the Chantilly Gelato and Cafe (234 Esplanade Avenue) posted was recently posted to local social media groups. The 21-second clip shows a woman at the front of a crowded line getting into an argument with two employees. The woman is seen tossing the gelato at them and leaves. One employee brushes something off the other, and the clip ends.

Though there is audio on the surveillance clip, it’s unclear what the exchange is specifically about.

Comments on Facebook group “Harrison Hot Springs News and Views” have been supportive of the business and its employees.

“That’s disgusting!” wrote Shari Leigan-Testani. “I’m sure the girls deal with difficult people all the time. Kudos to them for remaining calm and professional.”

Chantilly is usually very busy during the summer and is well-reviewed by locals and visitors alike.

Suspicious activity can be reported to the Agassiz RCMP via their non-emergency line at 604-796-2211.


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Adam Louis

About the Author: Adam Louis

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