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Where to vote Saturday

Here's a guide to where islanders can vote and who they can vote for on municipal election day, Saturday, Nov. 19.
A couple of important notes: All polls are open from 8 am to 8 pm. You do not have to vote at the poll closest to you - you can vote at any poll within your jurisdiction (i.e. any poll where a ballot with your local candidates is available). This is particularly important for Area D residents, who have a choice of several locations. We have simply listed the voting place closest to each community.
o If you live in Old Massett: You can vote for Area D regional district director. Voting takes place at the Haida Health Centre.
o If you live on Tow Hill Road: You can vote for Area D regional district director. Your closest voting place is the Howard Phillips Community Centre.
o If you live in Masset: You can vote for mayor and councillors at the Howard Phillips Community Centre.
o If you live on Nadu Road: You can vote for Area D regional district director at either the Howard Phillips community hall in Masset or the Port Clements community hall.
o If you live in Port Clements: You can vote for mayor, councillors and school trustee at the community hall.
o If you live in Tlell: You can vote for Area D regional district director and school trustee. Voting takes place at the Rising Tide Bakery (on Highway 16, one kilometre north of the fire hall).
o If you live in Lawn Hill, rural Port, or anywhere else in rural Central Graham Island: You can vote for Area D regional district director and school trustee. You can vote at the Port community hall or at the Rising Tide Bakery in Tlell.
o If you live in Miller Creek: You can vote for Area D regional district director and school trustee, but you will have to visit two polls - the Skidegate Homemakers building for the regional district election, and the Queen Charlotte community hall for the trustee election.
o If you live in Skidegate: You can vote for Area D regional district director. Voting takes place at the Skidegate Homemakers building.
o If you live in Queen Charlotte: You can vote for four council members and a school trustee at the community hall.
o If you live in Sandspit: You get to mark the most ballots of any voters on the islands! You can vote for Area E regional district director, for school trustee, and for five members of the Moresby Island Management Committee. Voting takes place at the community hall.