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Major appliance recycling available at North Coast Regional District facilities

Major appliance recycling available at North Coast Regional District facilities

The North Coast Regional District (NCRD) is partnering with the Major Appliance Recycling Roundtable (MARR) stewardship program to offer a new waste reduction initiative!
Invitation to Tender for Silviculture in Haida Gwaii

Invitation to Tender for Silviculture in Haida Gwaii

Contract No. SU22TBJ002
BC Timber Sales Proposed Timber Sale Licence Auctions for Haida Gwaii

BC Timber Sales Proposed Timber Sale Licence Auctions for Haida Gwaii

BC Timber Sales (BCTS) is proposing to auction two Timber Sale Licences (TSL) on Haida Gwaii: TSL A94555, Block NAI502 (Naikoon) and TSL A86068, Block LAW722 (Lawn Hill).
Notice of 2021 Parcel Tax Assessment Roll Review

Notice of 2021 Parcel Tax Assessment Roll Review

Assessment rolls for the purpose of levying the 2021 parcel taxes are being prepared for the Parcel Tax Roll Review and Authentication process.
Notice of 2021 Parcel Tax Assessment Roll Review

Notice of 2021 Parcel Tax Assessment Roll Review

Assessment rolls for the purpose of levying the 2021 parcel taxes are being prepared for the Parcel Tax Roll Review and Authentication process.
Land Act: Notice of Intention to Apply for a Disposition of Crown Land

Land Act: Notice of Intention to Apply for a Disposition of Crown Land

Take notice that I, NP B.C. Offshore Wind Limited Partnership (by its general partner NP B.C. Offshore Wind GP Inc.) from Toronto, Ontario have applied to the Ministry of Natural Resource Operations (FLNRO), West Coast Region, for an Investigative Licence of Occupation situated on Provincial Crown land located at Unsurveyed Crown Offshore or land covered by water being part of the bed of Hecate Strait, Queen Charlotte Land District containing 4410.21 hectares more or less.
A childhood story of love, loss and hope

A childhood story of love, loss and hope

Supporting the fight to conquer childhood illnesses
Canadian Navigable Waters Act

Canadian Navigable Waters Act

A&A Trading Ltd. hereby gives notice that anapplication has been made to the Minister of Transport, pursuant to the Canadian Navigable Waters Act for approval of the work described herein and its site and plans.
Canadian Navigable Waters Act

Canadian Navigable Waters Act

A&A Trading Ltd. hereby gives notice that anapplication has been made to the Minister of Transport, pursuant to the Canadian Navigable Waters Act for approval of the work described herein and its site and plans.
Canadian Navigable Waters Act

Canadian Navigable Waters Act

A&A Trading Ltd. hereby gives notice that anapplication has been made to the Minister of Transport, pursuant to the Canadian Navigable Waters Act for approval of the work described herein and its site and plans.