Ashley Currie is the new north area trustee for the Haida Gwaii School Board (SD 50) after earning more votes than incumbent trustee, Adeana Young.
“I’m pretty excited for this new opportunity and immersing myself into this new role. And just how I can support our teachers and students and our beautiful community,” Currie said.
“I’m looking forward to the new learning opportunity and how I can be part of our school district.”
Currie received 28 votes and Young got 14.
“On behalf of the entire school district, we want to recognize and thank Julia Breese and Adeana Young for their years of service as SD 50 school trustees,” Manu Madhok, superintendent for SD 50 stated.
“The role of a school trustee is both complex and essential as the Board of Education has key fiduciary responsibilities including the setting of strategic direction for a school district.”
The archipelago school district is made up of five trustees, who represent five different areas.
This year four trustees were acclaimed after running unopposed in their areas. Three were incumbents, including Wilson Brown for Old Massett, Roeland Denooij for Central and Dana Moraes for Skidegate.
Miranda Post was acclaimed as the new trustee for the South area.
Currie said she has not met any of the other trustees yet but is looking forward to putting faces to names and meeting the group.
“Our three experienced trustees and I look forward to welcoming and supporting Miranda and Ashley as they begin their school trustee journey with the Oath of Office at the Nov. 8 public meeting,” Madhok stated.
“I am looking forward to continuing the immediate work of supporting our trustees in engaging Haida Gwaii communities on the draft strategic plan and then working with the trustees to publish a final strategic plan early in 2023 that will guide the district until 2026.”
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Kaitlyn Bailey | Local Journalism Initiative Reporter
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