The Village of Port Clements wants to hear from current residents, landlords and future residents as part of an ongoing housing assessment.
With funding from the Union Of BC Municipalities and the Northern Development Initiative Trust, the village has hired Haida Gwaii-based co-operative Co+Host to conduct a Housing Needs Assessment over the course of spring 2020.
ALSO READ: Port Clements and Masset receive funding for Housing Needs Reports
The first opportunity to participate in the assessment is through a 10-minute public survey available until April 15.
Current residents, landlords and future residents are invited to complete the survey by visiting or by calling 250-559-8923, after which they can enter into a draw for one of four, $50 gift certificates to the Co-op or Bayview Market.
According to a spokesperson for Co+Host, the survey questions deal with previous and future housing needs and experiences.
“We ask questions about both individual needs and what people think the community needs,” the spokesperson said.
“These areas will be explored further through focus groups and a community forum.”
Invitation-based focus groups are expected to take place between April 15 and May 14, and Co+Host plans to share preliminary findings as well as gather more feedback at a community forum sometime later in May.
The co-operative will then produce a final housing needs report by July, to be used by the village and the Port Clements Housing and Restoration Society to understand local needs, advocate for change, and seek out funding.
The report will also satisfy provincial legislative requirements that municipalities and regional districts in B.C. complete housing needs reports by April 2022 as well as every five years after.
ALSO READ: Queen Charlotte housing assessment jumps 31 per cent
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